Morning Dolls,
Today, remind yourself to encourage someone. Take a moment to love someone. Do not be found silent when you should be speaking the truth, do not be found absent when your suppose to show up to show out. Find your purpose everyday, don't fail to encourage, don't fail to love. We all should wake up each day ready to be used to build someone else, especially those who cry out silently for help, you never know your encouragement and love may be returned on a day you need it the most.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Never judge a book by its cover.
Hey Dolls,
When you look out a window what do you see? When you look inside a little girls eyes who do you see? You may see yourself, you may see another Mae C. Jemison, another Carol Diahann Johnson, another Dorothy Dandridge or you may not have seen eyes like that before who would become the first inventor or pioneer. If only we could look aside the glossed lips or chapped lips, look aside the kinky hair or straight hair, look aside the dark brown eyes or icy blue eyes, look aside the broad nose or narrow nose. Dare to look a lil bit closer, dare to set aside your personal thoughts and judgement: prize given lips are waiting to speak back, patterned hair is waiting to be pulled back so show her true beauty, dreamy and inspired eyes are looking back, and noses are waiting for the fragrance of grace. Lesson learned, never judge a book by its cover.
When you look out a window what do you see? When you look inside a little girls eyes who do you see? You may see yourself, you may see another Mae C. Jemison, another Carol Diahann Johnson, another Dorothy Dandridge or you may not have seen eyes like that before who would become the first inventor or pioneer. If only we could look aside the glossed lips or chapped lips, look aside the kinky hair or straight hair, look aside the dark brown eyes or icy blue eyes, look aside the broad nose or narrow nose. Dare to look a lil bit closer, dare to set aside your personal thoughts and judgement: prize given lips are waiting to speak back, patterned hair is waiting to be pulled back so show her true beauty, dreamy and inspired eyes are looking back, and noses are waiting for the fragrance of grace. Lesson learned, never judge a book by its cover.
Monday, April 28, 2014
How much do you give?
Good Morning Dolls,
Happy Monday! I know each of us could vent about how much we (think) we do for others, or how much money and time we have spent on other people. The truth is even when we think we are doing what we are capable of doing we need to do more. I am not going to tell you what to do but, do know you can always do much more, give much more, lend much more, love much more. If we really kept track of how much people give to us each day, you would be astonished. Its better to be on the giving than receiving end.
Happy Monday! I know each of us could vent about how much we (think) we do for others, or how much money and time we have spent on other people. The truth is even when we think we are doing what we are capable of doing we need to do more. I am not going to tell you what to do but, do know you can always do much more, give much more, lend much more, love much more. If we really kept track of how much people give to us each day, you would be astonished. Its better to be on the giving than receiving end.
Friday, April 25, 2014
Stack your FAITH up!
Happy Freedom Friday Dolls,
Today, I want to encourage you all to encourage yourself. In case you all forgot, tomorrow Pure & Sure will be partnered up with The Friends of the Park to clean up a Ogden Park located on 6500 S Racine, in Chicago. Even with the lack of support from close friends and family, even with the miscommunication, GOD has made a way for Pure & Sure to have everything needed for tomorrow to be one that is great. It really encouraged me to stack up my FAITH and know that when I am lined up and walking in purpose, everything will be blessed. A lesson to be learned is never allow anyone to interfere with your purpose, never allow anyone to dictate your purpose, and know that once lined up give it to GOD and watch HIM move on your behalf.
Today, I want to encourage you all to encourage yourself. In case you all forgot, tomorrow Pure & Sure will be partnered up with The Friends of the Park to clean up a Ogden Park located on 6500 S Racine, in Chicago. Even with the lack of support from close friends and family, even with the miscommunication, GOD has made a way for Pure & Sure to have everything needed for tomorrow to be one that is great. It really encouraged me to stack up my FAITH and know that when I am lined up and walking in purpose, everything will be blessed. A lesson to be learned is never allow anyone to interfere with your purpose, never allow anyone to dictate your purpose, and know that once lined up give it to GOD and watch HIM move on your behalf.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Simplify your life.
Hey Dolls,
Today, I am going to keep it short and sweet. Sometimes the best things in life are simple. Do not waste countless hours waiting for the big bang, you will miss out on the sweet nothings that blesses your life. In many ways a plain, simple and simplified life is a happy life. Simple thoughts everyone....
Today, I am going to keep it short and sweet. Sometimes the best things in life are simple. Do not waste countless hours waiting for the big bang, you will miss out on the sweet nothings that blesses your life. In many ways a plain, simple and simplified life is a happy life. Simple thoughts everyone....
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
What do you enJOY?
Morning Dolls,
What has happened to your joy? Joy is the inner attitude. Everyone should unwrap the gift of joy. Take your gift out, unwrap it, and show it off. The inner peace joy brings should not be as a result of your surroundings or environment. Find what brings you peace and there lies your joy. Here is a hint... whatever you enjoy brings you joy. Get it? You can not spell enjoy without JOY. Take a moment today and reflect on your joy. Demand it back, do not be denied, this is something you must fight for, because at the end its worth it.
What has happened to your joy? Joy is the inner attitude. Everyone should unwrap the gift of joy. Take your gift out, unwrap it, and show it off. The inner peace joy brings should not be as a result of your surroundings or environment. Find what brings you peace and there lies your joy. Here is a hint... whatever you enjoy brings you joy. Get it? You can not spell enjoy without JOY. Take a moment today and reflect on your joy. Demand it back, do not be denied, this is something you must fight for, because at the end its worth it.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
What is your treasure?
Hey Dolls,
What is success? What makes a person successful? Most of the time people marvel at the end results, instead of the work it took to achieve accolades and rewards. Make a list of things that you consider being successful. Now make a list of things that are dear to your heart. Word of advice if both list are not parallel you would never feel successful, for
where your true treasure is, it is also in your heart.
What is success? What makes a person successful? Most of the time people marvel at the end results, instead of the work it took to achieve accolades and rewards. Make a list of things that you consider being successful. Now make a list of things that are dear to your heart. Word of advice if both list are not parallel you would never feel successful, for
where your true treasure is, it is also in your heart.
Monday, April 21, 2014
What is Love?
Happy Monday Dolls,
What is love? Who do you love? Do you really love them? I think all of us go through life and think we are loving ourselves and loving others. It does not matter so much for the importance of our love its the content in which it is given. Did you know we are to love our enemies even more than we love those who loves us back. Its a real easy job to love the people who are accepting your love and expressing love in return. Isn't it strange we never pursue those who reject our love, we either reject them back or isolate ourselves from them. This is where the true test of love is given, and it is up to YOU to give the grade earned. Today, I want you to think about one person who has rejected your love and put in the work to repair that relationship. I'm sure there is something you could have done differently to get a different result. Changing your actions, not only change the results it changes you for the better. We are all called to love EVERY one even our enemies. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things.
What is love? Who do you love? Do you really love them? I think all of us go through life and think we are loving ourselves and loving others. It does not matter so much for the importance of our love its the content in which it is given. Did you know we are to love our enemies even more than we love those who loves us back. Its a real easy job to love the people who are accepting your love and expressing love in return. Isn't it strange we never pursue those who reject our love, we either reject them back or isolate ourselves from them. This is where the true test of love is given, and it is up to YOU to give the grade earned. Today, I want you to think about one person who has rejected your love and put in the work to repair that relationship. I'm sure there is something you could have done differently to get a different result. Changing your actions, not only change the results it changes you for the better. We are all called to love EVERY one even our enemies. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things.
Friday, April 18, 2014
Today is a good day...
Happy Good Friday Dolls,
We are going to stay on the spirits of good Friday, lets take a moment today to recognize the smalls things in life. The things that are often looked over. Lets not be too busy that we miss the small pleasures and celebrations that has been sprinkled throughout our day. If your reading this you are blessed to have seen another day, blessed with your vision and health. Take notice to the sunlight that offers small moments of peace. Pay attention to the smiles throughout the day to encourage other smiles. Take a moment to acknowledge how wonderfully your made, every image or reflection you may see of yourself is unique. Celebrate all children that cross your path today, comfort them with love, patience, and self value. Offer sympathy to a friend or a coworker in need. Last but not least love your inner self, the part that people like to shadow with who they see on the outside. Its whats in your heart that matters the most...hopefully its bursting in the seems with love, peace, joy, patience, meekness, gentleness, and self-control. Enjoy your weekend.
We are going to stay on the spirits of good Friday, lets take a moment today to recognize the smalls things in life. The things that are often looked over. Lets not be too busy that we miss the small pleasures and celebrations that has been sprinkled throughout our day. If your reading this you are blessed to have seen another day, blessed with your vision and health. Take notice to the sunlight that offers small moments of peace. Pay attention to the smiles throughout the day to encourage other smiles. Take a moment to acknowledge how wonderfully your made, every image or reflection you may see of yourself is unique. Celebrate all children that cross your path today, comfort them with love, patience, and self value. Offer sympathy to a friend or a coworker in need. Last but not least love your inner self, the part that people like to shadow with who they see on the outside. Its whats in your heart that matters the most...hopefully its bursting in the seems with love, peace, joy, patience, meekness, gentleness, and self-control. Enjoy your weekend.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
What makes you smile?
Hey Dolls,
When was the last time within your heart you smiled? Did you know that happiness comes from the heart? A glad heart make a cheerful face, and a sorrow heart is a crushed spirit. Did you know that even while going through a tough time, we should force a smile on our face which keeps the adversary and the enemies confused. Some people gloat on making others uncomfortable or provoked. The great word tells us we should not be conceited or boastful, to one another. We should all walk with the coat of grace on so that we esteem one another higher than ourselves. Work on putting a smile on someone face today, you never know what you are contradicting. Many of us find at some point, life being challenging, and we should not be adding to the stress. We should fight to not have strife in our hearts, but stride to love another other. So whatever it is, put a smile on your face, not only would it encourage others to do the same, but you will feel better and great for doing it.
When was the last time within your heart you smiled? Did you know that happiness comes from the heart? A glad heart make a cheerful face, and a sorrow heart is a crushed spirit. Did you know that even while going through a tough time, we should force a smile on our face which keeps the adversary and the enemies confused. Some people gloat on making others uncomfortable or provoked. The great word tells us we should not be conceited or boastful, to one another. We should all walk with the coat of grace on so that we esteem one another higher than ourselves. Work on putting a smile on someone face today, you never know what you are contradicting. Many of us find at some point, life being challenging, and we should not be adding to the stress. We should fight to not have strife in our hearts, but stride to love another other. So whatever it is, put a smile on your face, not only would it encourage others to do the same, but you will feel better and great for doing it.
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Make a wish
Hello Dolls,
What is your wish? When you was younger were you told the tale about wishing on a falling star? What about the one with a coin (most likely a penny) to throw into a pond and make a wish? And who could forget the most popular one of all, candles on a birthday cake....make a wish? After those moments did you ever sit and wonder if you wished the correct thing, or even if the wish had come true. This is what we do as adults, we wish for things and never revisit the desired thing(s) to see if it has come true. Then we sit and complain. How about you spend time today and wish upon something that brings you TRUE joy. Often times we spend countless hours, days and years searching for that wish. " I wish I had a new/better car, I wish I had a bigger/better house, I wish I could get a better job, I wish I had more this, I wish I had more that. All of these things are great, but it should not dictate your future or define you as a person. We seem to focus on things that bring us short-term happiness rather than true joy. What can you wish for today, that would result in long-term joy? Keep in mind as long as your wish lines up with the will and purpose of your life it shall be granted, whatever you think you want it shall not only be given but in abundance.
What is your wish? When you was younger were you told the tale about wishing on a falling star? What about the one with a coin (most likely a penny) to throw into a pond and make a wish? And who could forget the most popular one of all, candles on a birthday cake....make a wish? After those moments did you ever sit and wonder if you wished the correct thing, or even if the wish had come true. This is what we do as adults, we wish for things and never revisit the desired thing(s) to see if it has come true. Then we sit and complain. How about you spend time today and wish upon something that brings you TRUE joy. Often times we spend countless hours, days and years searching for that wish. " I wish I had a new/better car, I wish I had a bigger/better house, I wish I could get a better job, I wish I had more this, I wish I had more that. All of these things are great, but it should not dictate your future or define you as a person. We seem to focus on things that bring us short-term happiness rather than true joy. What can you wish for today, that would result in long-term joy? Keep in mind as long as your wish lines up with the will and purpose of your life it shall be granted, whatever you think you want it shall not only be given but in abundance.
Monday, April 14, 2014
Definition of Best
Hello Dolls,
Sorry for the late post, know that I did not forget about you. What is the definition of best? What do you consider your best? Sometimes we go through life not knowing if we have given things, situations, jobs, relationships, or education our best. The truth is the best is not predicated on the opinion of someone else or their idea of what is should look like. What ever you do, work heartily. Whatever you decide to do know that a slack hand results poverty and negativity. A hand of diligent results riches and positivity. Do not be found sleep during your harvest season because you never know how it may impact the life of another.
Sorry for the late post, know that I did not forget about you. What is the definition of best? What do you consider your best? Sometimes we go through life not knowing if we have given things, situations, jobs, relationships, or education our best. The truth is the best is not predicated on the opinion of someone else or their idea of what is should look like. What ever you do, work heartily. Whatever you decide to do know that a slack hand results poverty and negativity. A hand of diligent results riches and positivity. Do not be found sleep during your harvest season because you never know how it may impact the life of another.
Friday, April 11, 2014
Lessons Learned
Happy Friday Dolls,
"Tis the season" or for today "tis the lesson". What lesson should you be learning today? What lesson you didn't earn an A+? I am here to tell you to return to the original lesson, and try, try, try, again. This time you will succeed, this time you should prepare, this time you should reevaluate the lesson and find another approach and push forward. There is no need to be anxious for anything, everything will manifest itself in the right season. If favors and blessings are your portion you shall receive and succeed. Lesson learned. Class is in session, be mindful who your teacher is.
"Tis the season" or for today "tis the lesson". What lesson should you be learning today? What lesson you didn't earn an A+? I am here to tell you to return to the original lesson, and try, try, try, again. This time you will succeed, this time you should prepare, this time you should reevaluate the lesson and find another approach and push forward. There is no need to be anxious for anything, everything will manifest itself in the right season. If favors and blessings are your portion you shall receive and succeed. Lesson learned. Class is in session, be mindful who your teacher is.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Live For Today
Hey Dolls,
Are feeling overwhelmed? Has days passed and you are still trying to play catch up? Well, word from the wise put forth the efforts of each day, and be finished. Finish each day and be done with it. In your heart if you have done all within your control, end the day with peace. Begin tomorrow with high spirits and be done with old nonsense. Begin this day with good and fair deeds. Begin this day as an invitation of new hopes, do not waste another moment on yesterday short comings.
Are feeling overwhelmed? Has days passed and you are still trying to play catch up? Well, word from the wise put forth the efforts of each day, and be finished. Finish each day and be done with it. In your heart if you have done all within your control, end the day with peace. Begin tomorrow with high spirits and be done with old nonsense. Begin this day with good and fair deeds. Begin this day as an invitation of new hopes, do not waste another moment on yesterday short comings.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Fear Not!
Good Morning Dolls,
What keeps you going? Think about what drives you. What compels you to continue to want to grow? Be the biggest supporter of you, because when no one else supports you, you can encourage yourself. Delight yourself in yourself. What are you afraid of ? We have not been put on the earth to have the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self control. Sometimes you need to hush the busy world, lengthen your shade and work on you. If you persevere and do the desires of your heart you will find more than success, but peace as well.

What keeps you going? Think about what drives you. What compels you to continue to want to grow? Be the biggest supporter of you, because when no one else supports you, you can encourage yourself. Delight yourself in yourself. What are you afraid of ? We have not been put on the earth to have the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self control. Sometimes you need to hush the busy world, lengthen your shade and work on you. If you persevere and do the desires of your heart you will find more than success, but peace as well.
Monday, April 7, 2014
Discover You
Good Afternoon Dolls,
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Lets start off the week on a positive note. Hug yourself and appreciate you for who you are. Out with old and in with the new. Its a new day, a new hour to be creative, a new minute to be inventive, a new second to discover. Lets not waste another moment on old things or repeating the same mistake of yesterday. Look forward! Keep going!
Friday, April 4, 2014
Where is your Happiness?
Happy Friday Dolls,
Where is your happiness? What happened to it? How can you get it back? Please don't be fooled to believe your happiness lies in the possession of money. The joy of life lies in the achievements and the efforts put forth. Be mindful that putting forth the effort on any task requires a plan. Sometimes we allow the effort to prevent our happiness and joy. Push pass and reap your harvest. It can be stimulating to work hard because your joy depends on it rater than to chase after profits. Spend this weekend working on your happiness.
Where is your happiness? What happened to it? How can you get it back? Please don't be fooled to believe your happiness lies in the possession of money. The joy of life lies in the achievements and the efforts put forth. Be mindful that putting forth the effort on any task requires a plan. Sometimes we allow the effort to prevent our happiness and joy. Push pass and reap your harvest. It can be stimulating to work hard because your joy depends on it rater than to chase after profits. Spend this weekend working on your happiness.
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Create your island
Hello Dolls,
Where would you like to vacate at, which island? If you don't have the money, if you don't have the time, it can still happen. With the everyday cares of the world everyone needs a vacation. You need to find the inner peace that blocks out everything and sigh. If your not able to bring peace within yourself how can you bring peace in the world. We have to teach ourselves to create little vacations islands to bring, peace and still. Seek out peace and pursue it. Enjoy the free things in life, tree, flowers, clouds and inner love. Blessed are peacemakers.
Where would you like to vacate at, which island? If you don't have the money, if you don't have the time, it can still happen. With the everyday cares of the world everyone needs a vacation. You need to find the inner peace that blocks out everything and sigh. If your not able to bring peace within yourself how can you bring peace in the world. We have to teach ourselves to create little vacations islands to bring, peace and still. Seek out peace and pursue it. Enjoy the free things in life, tree, flowers, clouds and inner love. Blessed are peacemakers.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Name your disappointment?
Hello Dolls,
What are your disappointments? Think about what you are struggling in. How can you make it better? What ever you do, work heartily, and you shall receive your inheritance. Do not be found in a slumber, wake up everyday to strive to correct your disappointments. Do not let yesterdays disappointments shadow today's dreams and goals. Plan for your future and wish for a hope.

What are your disappointments? Think about what you are struggling in. How can you make it better? What ever you do, work heartily, and you shall receive your inheritance. Do not be found in a slumber, wake up everyday to strive to correct your disappointments. Do not let yesterdays disappointments shadow today's dreams and goals. Plan for your future and wish for a hope.
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