This is the perfect time for you to reflect and rejuvenate. Don't allow the cares of life keep you from growing. There are some people who are OK with being in the same place, mentally, physically, educationally, spiritually, and emotionally. They never reflect on life to make themselves better. Those are the ones who seem to be very isolated and comfortable with little to no progression or growth. Then you have those who go hard for anything they think will help them grow or get over in life, but in reality they are going absolutely no where. These are the ones who seem to be driven and focused, but if you look closer, they are very self-absorbed individuals who believe the world and others around them should cater to them because they say they are trying to do something. They are very unhappy and unfulfilled individuals and would manipulate, lie, and misuse to get what they think they want. In reality the don't have a clue to what they really need in life. Hence, them going in circles, getting frustrated, and blaming others.The truth is they have been occupying themselves with " things" to appear busy. They are busy doing nothing and making no progress, they just haven't realized it yet. Then, you have people who are very goal orientated and sit under instructions and educations to learn what they need to successfully obtain their goals. These are the ones who you hear people putting their mouth on the most. They are categorized as, selfish, spoiled, know it "allers", and often left behind a crowd. The truth is they were never meant to be like everyone else, and will always stand different because they are called to something different.This only makes them stronger, because the real acceptance it for self and not for show. These are the most misunderstood because then seem to be a bit more successful than others and people tend to not accept their achievements and often tries to deny or down play all the sacrifice they have endured to achieve their goals. Lastly, you have those who are all mixed up in all. Either one you may see yourself in or can relate to all of the above you can learn what not to do, and how to make sure you reflect and rejuvenate yourself to grow. Don't stop praying, and seeking knowledge that increases your wisdom and understanding, which causes you to grow in every way. Plant this week and watch it grow.
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