Monday, December 5, 2016

Movement Monday

Happy Movement Monday Dolls,

There is nothing that give us more pleasure than to be dedicated to progression and it moves. Today, I want you to reflect on the movement of progression. Let be mindful not to just be moving but in the same place. You have to be able to look back and see growth in whatever it is. Don't hesitate to find error in only fair to be honest with yourself. If there is an error, find out what caused you to fade into the back of your moments of movements. Be faithful to what you are going after. Be fully committed and delight yourself in the LORD and in your heart. Know that you are the most validated person for the movement. Don't waste time trying to blame others for the lack of movements in your life, but add value to them by learning from them. Lets get moving people. I'm not sure about you, but I am making moments of movement to Win! Get moving.


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