Thursday, December 31, 2015

I Love the New!

Happy Countdown Thursday Dolls,

Well now is the moment we have all been waiting for... the infamous countdown. To properly prepare for the New Year, you should consider asking yourself the most important question. Who will you be leaving in 2015? This is the moment where you plan for the entire year. Some folks deserve a second chance to recreate themselves and others just need a chance to be removed.  For the plans for life is not for evil, but to offer a future and hope.  Don't spend much time decorating yourself and/or home just to wake-up in 2016 with a blank look on your face because you made the mistake to not remove them. Perhaps make a mistake from pushing yourself toward a goal. Are you aware some people are present in your life because they are a habit? Nothing great about the relationship, just a habit. Use the New Year to break unproductive habits and take on new ones that offer production. Use the New Year, to develop a fresh start on life, write more chapters that allows you to embrace and love new discoveries. Let you life be transformed by the renewal of your mind and finding perfect peace.  You are the co-author of your life with GOD. You don't have the luxury to erase, edit and do over. Once its written its permanent. Be conscience of decisions and situations when you pick up that permanent marker of life.  You have the choice to make it as colorful and vivid as you like.  You have the choice to make it as detailed and creative as you like. Make your mark this year, may peace, love and prosperity be with you.


Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Testing the Waters

Happy Test the Waters Tuesday Dolls,

So, If your continuing your journey with moving forward and flying high, then your ready for the next step. This step can be very fearful, because its an unknown territory. However, word of the wise, to receive different results you must try something different. As you know the world will give you nothing your not willing to work for. Let your heart not be troubled or afraid but set your joy on peace. Don't become weakened by the fears of others, who walk in shallow minds. Test the waters and adapt as your swimming along. Surround yourself with those of like minds and hearts. Those who become inspired by you and vise-verse. Some easy tips to keep in mind:

  • Preserve you energy for the journey of moving forward, not explaining why to others. Once your mind settle in and get focused your going to get moments of sudden energy. Manage it well, be mindful of burning it off in ways that interfere with your goal.
  • Have everything planned out. Become familiar with being comfortable with encouraging yourself. If things don't work out as planned, emulate when the thought first came to your mind. How excited and eager you was to get started. Build on that circumstance.
  • Even if your in the deep in of testing the waters, don't become separated from the light of the promise. Start over in the morning, face adversity and use it to guide evaluation. Reflect, design, and go....keep swimming! Every so often you have to come up for air, but within seconds continue on.  You will be at the finish line sooner than you thought.           


Friday, December 18, 2015

Flying High!

Happy Flying High Friday,

I am an eagle. I will mount up my wings and run and not be weary, I shall not faint. I am sure there are many people who would love to get a phone call to gossip about my short comings, but they will be highly disappointed because as long as GOD is standing with me than who can be against me. This is the same attitude you should adapt to.  I am not saying you have to act as if your perfect but failing shouldn' be an option. You were born to fly, the heart of an eagle is one that can fly above all the foolishness, envy, malice, and false persecutions. Life is in the height of the heart, without thoughts of elevation is a life without moving forward. Fly today, just in time for the New Year. If your keep getting higher by 2016, you would have a birds eye view the the entire thing (whatever that is) and you will see the motives of people, the misplacements, and the mishandles. Don't be afraid to face the truth and get things into perspective. Its about to be another year....mmm


Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Happy Planting Day Dolls,

Yes, I know we are in the middle of winter, but we must plan for the spring now. Whatever you want to obtain or be successful in you must remain in a planted state. This means you are immovable. No matter what the confusion, challenge, or crisis is you have to remain planted. Be patient, as any farmer waits for the fruit after the seeds have been planted. Once you are planted, the rain will come and produce. You will receive growth according to your labor. Spend sometime thinking about where you are and if you are truly planted. Make sure while your planted and growing you pluck the weeds that cause distractions and suck the nutrients from your root. Be sure to pull the weeds that appear to be growing where you are growing but in reality their not....Happy Harvest time!!!


Thursday, December 10, 2015

Simply "Yes" or "No"

Happy Say No to....Day Dolls,

It's the two letter word people are either anxious to say or afraid to say. Let what you say be simply "Yes" or "No"; anything more being said it the watered down truth. Seriously, when have a yes or no not been good enough. Don't allow the presence of others bring on temptation to shallow your original yer or no. Don't allow the thoughts of others tempted you beyond your ability to escape. Just say yes or no... word of advice obey your original answer.


Monday, December 7, 2015


Happy Removable Monday,

MMMMK. How can I say this, if its not working then remove it. There are moments in your life where you must evaluate things, situations, relationships, and unlabeled whatever you want to call it., and ask yourself "is this working out"?  Initially its going to be quite challenging, because you are so use to (whatever it is) but its best to cry, scream and kick now then waste more time and energy toward awkward and unfruitful mess. You don't want to look back with thoughts of...what in the world was I thinking. In those very moments of getting out of that routine of a comfort zone and removing (whatever it is) is where you can let go of all the baggage that came along with it and the bags you accumulated. Let all the bitterness, wrath, anger, slander be put away from you. Focus on forgiveness and restoring all the pieces of you that was stolen throughout the drama. You have the authority over what goes on in your life. Except that your not suppose to deprive yourself of anything to make things work out. Somethings are for a limit of time only. Develop a dash of self-control and watch life delivers you a better plate of love, self-worthiness, and peace. Today's word of the day is remove...disconnect...extract...pull out...detach...amputate!! Don't be deceived, bad company, situations and relationships ruins good morals. Make no friends with a wrathful person. Perhaps you will rise to your true self with out all the dead weight holding you down.


Friday, December 4, 2015

Walking in Truth

Happy Freedom Friday Dolls,

It is the moment to not take it to heart. Somethings are better off not giving any time and/or attention to. Don's sweat the small stuff. For freedom has been set up for free, you don't have to bargain for it, your were born into it. Stand firm therefore do not submit to any form of slavery. YES, slavery we can be in chains and shackles and not be aware of it. Consider this, anything that restricts you from growing or prohibit you from living the truth is slavery. Haven't you heard of the wise saying " the truth shall set you free"? Well now is time to be under no condemnation and no false requirements! Redirect your focus to bring good news to your heart and bind up and throw away any form of allowing yourself to be captive to lies, envy, manipulation, deceit, favoritism or gossip. Proclaim your liberty, break the yoke of oppression and walk in truth. How would walking in truth look on you?


Wednesday, December 2, 2015

To: Me From: Me

Happy Me Wednesday,

While we are in the holiday giving season, don't forget about who...YOU! Often times we are so eager to gift others that we continuously forget about ourselves. For gifting yourself would surely motivate you to keep moving forward. So, make a deal within and decide if you want to catch the before or after season sales.  You must understand that the way you treat yourself is the way others would. So gift a little patience to yourself with a great big red bow! Okay, I know that was a little corny but hopefully you got the bigger picture. Take some time out to rekindle the love you have for yourself. Maybe even light a good smelling candle and cozy up with a fuzzy throw and read a good book or binge your favorite show. Bottom line is before you flat line for others, you must condition yourself to take care of you first. No, I am not saying don't gift to others, but remember you. You are worth it and you deserve it.