So, If your continuing your journey with moving forward and flying high, then your ready for the next step. This step can be very fearful, because its an unknown territory. However, word of the wise, to receive different results you must try something different. As you know the world will give you nothing your not willing to work for. Let your heart not be troubled or afraid but set your joy on peace. Don't become weakened by the fears of others, who walk in shallow minds. Test the waters and adapt as your swimming along. Surround yourself with those of like minds and hearts. Those who become inspired by you and vise-verse. Some easy tips to keep in mind:
- Preserve you energy for the journey of moving forward, not explaining why to others. Once your mind settle in and get focused your going to get moments of sudden energy. Manage it well, be mindful of burning it off in ways that interfere with your goal.
- Have everything planned out. Become familiar with being comfortable with encouraging yourself. If things don't work out as planned, emulate when the thought first came to your mind. How excited and eager you was to get started. Build on that circumstance.
- Even if your in the deep in of testing the waters, don't become separated from the light of the promise. Start over in the morning, face adversity and use it to guide evaluation. Reflect, design, and go....keep swimming! Every so often you have to come up for air, but within seconds continue on. You will be at the finish line sooner than you thought.
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