Monday, December 7, 2015


Happy Removable Monday,

MMMMK. How can I say this, if its not working then remove it. There are moments in your life where you must evaluate things, situations, relationships, and unlabeled whatever you want to call it., and ask yourself "is this working out"?  Initially its going to be quite challenging, because you are so use to (whatever it is) but its best to cry, scream and kick now then waste more time and energy toward awkward and unfruitful mess. You don't want to look back with thoughts of...what in the world was I thinking. In those very moments of getting out of that routine of a comfort zone and removing (whatever it is) is where you can let go of all the baggage that came along with it and the bags you accumulated. Let all the bitterness, wrath, anger, slander be put away from you. Focus on forgiveness and restoring all the pieces of you that was stolen throughout the drama. You have the authority over what goes on in your life. Except that your not suppose to deprive yourself of anything to make things work out. Somethings are for a limit of time only. Develop a dash of self-control and watch life delivers you a better plate of love, self-worthiness, and peace. Today's word of the day is remove...disconnect...extract...pull out...detach...amputate!! Don't be deceived, bad company, situations and relationships ruins good morals. Make no friends with a wrathful person. Perhaps you will rise to your true self with out all the dead weight holding you down.


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