Thursday, February 4, 2016


Social Media Frenzy,

I am a little bit confused about the purpose of social media. I mean is there anything considered private anymore? Before you go posting your life story, consider the purpose or intent. I'm not sure who people are trying to impress these days. People seem to be more and more disconnected from THEIR reality and portraying those on TV. Social media was once intended for keeping up with long distance close family and friends and now it  has turned to a Reality TV Showdown.  We should not allow sites to encourage us to be more public about private matters. Intimate details all over the net are being tagged, which give strangers a view into your personal life without filters. I'm just saying... I have seen some of the photos that are being posted, and I must be honest and say " what are we advertising?" "Who are be pretending to be?" And why?  Be honest with yourself, your are not covering up or concealing anything, that isn't already known. Therefore whatever you have posted or said in a condescending way, will be brought to the light. Do better by yourself and those around you. Real and truthful people can distinguish between meaningful relationships and relationship that are seeking meaning. Stop focusing so much of your time on psychic energy and more time making a real connection with the people you hold near your heart.  Stop setting yourself up for a delusion life, that is senseless and hold no depth. You are worth more than you think..lets start displaying more acts of compassion, love and truth. The world is in desperate need of truth and what is really REAL.
Embrace your reality? Oh, forgive me, where is my manners. Happy Birth Day Facebook!


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