Friday, June 27, 2014


Happy Freedom Friday Beautiful and Lovely Dolls,

It give me great pleasure to set my worries and ism's free on today! What had you bound this week? What brought you worries? Well, today is the day to set it free. No more bondage, no more shackles..the time has come to break loose and set yourself free. I want all the young girls and women, to take some time today and acknowledge the worries of this week. Call each item or thing out by its name and say " I am no longer in your bondage, you no longer have control over my mind, you no longer exist, I am free from your control." Did you feel that? You have taken your mind back and can walk into a better tomorrow. No matter what the items or things were, you are made to overcome them. There is no need to feel sorry for yourself, stand firm and believe you are free on today. YES! You are free on today! Live life through freedom.  FYI, unlocking the chains for you will help others overcome. If you come in contact with another young girl or women, give her a hug and tell her to stand on her freedom. Use freedom as an opportunity to love one another, for this is what we are called to do.


Thursday, June 26, 2014

Train her up

Hey Dolls,

What is going on with the role models of this era? Will there be real hope? Here is what I want to offer, take some time today and think of all the young girls from the ages 7-17 in your life. List all of their names then next to each name write the last time you spent time with them (physically), the last time you encouraged them or took an interest in their hobby or interest. This is where all the great memories are steamed from. Every young girl needs love and encouragement and proper guidance. Reach out to a girl in your life today, word to the wise, every girl hope lies in her proper education, love, and encouragement, we should train up a girl in the way she should go, even when she turns older it would never depart from her. Think about it, wouldn't you want to train her up than, someone else?

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Healthy Impulse

Happy Wonderful Wednesday Dolls,

Beep, beep, beep, beep, is the sound of each of our heartbeats. When does your heart beat fast? When does your heart slow? What causes your heart to beat fast or slow? The heart is the one organ we can't live without, so we strive to keep it the strong.  We should all strive to keep it pure and strong, for this is how we are judged. Work on working the heart out,  keeping it strong. A good person is out of a good treasure of a good heart, which produce good, for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. What is your heart saying? Every heart that has a strong beat, will leave a hopeful impulse.


Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Train your eyes

Good Morning Dolls,

Have you every misplaced and item? At that moment, nothing else matters, your brain has trained your eyes to look for that item only. Well this is the same thing that happens in life. We look for a certain career or relationship, and our brains train us to seek after it. What happens if we don't do as our brain are leading us? We would never know because we have abandoned the idea. Ask yourself, what are you looking for? Today, I want you to answer the question, and train your brain to allow your eyes and body to seek after it. No matter what it is, if you are looking for it then its important. Do not give up on your hearts desire. Yes, you will have moments of wanting to give up. Yes, you will experience the notion of everyone else has it, why not me. The truth is, its already yours, its waiting for you. Remember, if you see it, its a vision, write it down, make it plan, and embark like never before. What ever you see, is what your looking for. Train your eyes.....
                                                                   What do you see?


Monday, June 23, 2014

Sparks of fire

Happy Monday Dolls,

I hope each of you had a wonderful and fulfilling weekend, as for me it was all about relaxing. I spent time reading and writing and hanging out with friends and family. I met some pretty interesting people this weekend, all who seemed to be comfortable in their own skin. It seems as if only comfortable and confident people are able to spark up conversations and offer advice. This made me ponder and ask myself, do I spark other people and offer advice? Even in the areas I may not be as confident in. I never want to meet an individual or a group of people and leave them without giving encouragement or advice. I came to the conclusion I have to walk in the light of my own fire first before I offer sparks to anyone else. Are you a walking fire? Are you comfortable and confident in your fire? Are you lending your sparks to others? Lets spend sometime today lending our sparks to other people. Each of us has been equipped with our own fire. Some of us have allowed others to burn our flame out. Find it back today and ignite your torch again. Word of advice, there are people waiting to receive from you, YES you! Keep in mind our brightest fires are commonly kindled by unexpected sparks from others.


Friday, June 20, 2014

One day at a time

Happy Fierce Friday Dolls,

"One day at a time" is a well known phrase I'm sure all of us have heard or used sometime or another. It seems terribly unfair for the same thing to happen to each of us, when we have learned from our mistakes. We must fulfill our role to one day teach a few young girls many wonderful and wise things. This will guide and help them grow older and teach a few young girls many wonderful and wise things. Wise word: it is nerve to late to learn, don't give up on her, you never know learning to not give up on her, develops something inside of you, to not give up on you. Let the teaching begin.


Thursday, June 19, 2014

Wings or Roots?

Hey Intelligent Dolls,

I know each of us have been educated or have some knowledge about wings and roots. Well, today I want you think for a moment...keep thinking. If someone was to grant you a gift and the two options are roots or wings, which would you choose? Roots bring life. Roots allows us to be planted and anchored in a position until we are fully developed. It absorbs nutrients we receive from others as well as the ones we produce ourselves.  Those who plants its roots by water, will not fear when adversity comes, for its leaves will remain green and fruit does not cease. On the other hand, if we don't feed are roots the appropriate things it will cause us to die.  Wings are for protection from harsh weather. Wings allows us to propel in flight so we can travel and escape from our enemies and/or predators. Those who mount up their wings like eagles, will not be weary and faint. On the other hand, if you are afraid of heights it limits your ability to soar. So I ask you again roots or wings?


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Stand on your mountain

Morning Wonderful Dolls,

What a day to make revisions. I am sure many of you know that reproofing, editing, and correcting is all done to develop perfection. Although each day we all may fall short of being perfect, the thought of aspiring to be perfect is the first step. All things are reachable, your belief will make you abundantly prosperous through the work of your hands. Do not allow the height of the mountain to bring upon fear, rather prepare and train to climb the mountain. Many people get caught up in walking around the mountain, or looking for a smaller one, this only brings on frustration and doubt. You are already equipped to stand on the mountain top. Gain wisdom in your reproofing and stand on not giving up or giving in, but giving life . Spend some time today and prepare to stand on your mountain.


Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Perfect Image

Hello Wonderful Dolls,

You are simple amazing. Tell yourself this every morning, declare it over your life before you begin your day. What comes to mind when you think of the term: image?  Our purpose in life is to find out who we are and who we desire to be. Keep that image of and allow it to drive and shape your life. Often times we tend look at other peoples images and become what they want to be. Desire and develop your own, from that first look at what you desired to be, and stick to it. It will keep tough sometimes, you may fall sometimes, you may cry sometimes, however you strive to fight back, get up, and wipe your tears. Imagine yourself in that image and live in that moment. Nothing is greater than you achieving your image. You may have to alter a few things, but do not give up. I'm sure your image is picture perfect!


Monday, June 16, 2014

Happy Fathers Day

Happy Monday Gorgeous Dolls,

I hope this post reach each of you in a better place than yesterday. This is what we do, strive to better ourselves one day at a time. I would like to wish all the fathers a belated Happy Fathers Day. For those who dad is no longer with you, I pray you acknowledge the emotions but live through the memories. Those who father is still with you, honor him. He may not meet your expectations, but you are to honor your dad no matter the circumstances. We must stop looking at what "he" has done or not and evaluate ourselves and our roles as daughters. I sure there is something we would change about being a daughter. One thing for sure, you would not be here if it was not for your dad. Anything else that troubles your heart, pray for forgiveness and restoration of the relationship. It is worth it, if you think I just blabbing, ask a person who has lost their dad. Its not too late to give your dad a call, or spend some quality time. For me as soon as I get off work I will be visiting my dad, and offering him a great big hug...  FYI this is not just for him, it for my heart as well (I need my dad to be apart of my life). He may have not been the most responsibly dad, but he is "my" day and I had to learn no matter what he has a story behind his thoughts of what a dad look like. I can not hold him accountable for things he was not been exposed to or have experienced himself. Deep down in my heart I know he loves me, he may not know how to express it... so I am going use my love for him to be his first experience of what unconditionally love looks and feels like. Yes, I will be pursuing a true father and daughter relationship, even at the age of 36. Believe today, and it will happen. Happy Fathers Day dad..Tallano Williams.


Friday, June 13, 2014

Giving your fruit!

Happy Friday Beautiful Dolls,

I am having a moment, to learn yet another pillar Ruby Dee has pasted. This makes me ponder, who will lead by example and present themselves as a role model for the young girls to look up to. This is a crazy question, because this shows the gap of a celebrity and serving as role-model. No one should set out to be a role model, you should be acknowledged by the fruits you bear. Your personality fused with a giving heart should bring light to the world we live in. Your grace and forgiving should allow others to develop and push forward. Allow yourself to be productive within, which would display your true character  outwardly.  Word of advice, when you lend and offer a good deed to a person in need secretly, you are blessed secretly. Spend some time this weekend blessing someone secretly and allow your fruits to show themselves strong.


Thursday, June 12, 2014

Find your world

Morning Dolls,

What a world we live in. Everyone has their interpretation of what the world has to offer. What do you see when you vision the world you live in? Worlds can be found, its just that people have stop looking. Word of advice do not be conformed of other peoples world. Its best to be childlike and explore the world by looking up, keep from bending down and looking under other peoples worlds. Your world is as high as corn fields and the grass blades that sways from a gust of wind. Allow your exploring to take you beyond thoughts and capture moments of progression. Spend some time today, finding your world.


Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Friendship Wish! Happy Birthday Raquel!

Happy Wednesday Dolls,

Who inspires you?  What keeps you inspired? Everyone at some point needs someone to inspire and encourage them throughout life.  Today confirmed one thing that keeps me inspired is friendship. Today is a long time friends of minds Birthday. Screaming from the top of my lungs and from the bottom of my heart, Happy Birthday Raquel!! This is proof that even a year or two of disconnect, can't replace the love we have for one another, things are stronger than they have ever been. I have come to the conclusion I am a girly girl whose appreciate girl friends. Thanks Raquel for forgiving me of my short coming and abandoning our ship. That is one of the million things I love about her, she has a  warm and forgiving heart. I promise this time to handle it in a way that you can find security in our relationship. This also speaks to another relationship I abandoned with another special friend (she knows who she is) and if she doesn't she lives in TN. This is a relationship I am willing to work through... whatever that is until she trust the bond we once shared. I am will to do anything at this point to assure her, our friendship speaks volumes to me personally. To the best girls in the world, thanks for accepting me for who I really am and never taking advantage of me. I speak to your hearts today, that this day forward would be as it was before more than a friendship, a sisterhood. I love y'all and you should know by now your the sisters my mom didn't give but GOD brought us together in 1996...Boomer for life. More memories, more love, more fun times. Today spend sometime expressing your love to someone who you admire and appreciate their friendship. I pray you all can nourish what is given to you and not take it for granted.


Monday, June 9, 2014

What a dream...

Happy Monday Dolls,

I hope your weekend was full of love, family, and friends. How many of you desire to accomplish something in life? Rather it is a dream, hobby, going back to school, starting a business or finishing an idea or business. What is in your way? Well, allow me to share.....wait for it... it is FEAR! Some of us just the idea of something new, scares us to the point we are defeated before the vision is written down. Fear is the root of all misunderstandings and the ruler of lack: lack of confidence, lack of humility, lack of pursuing, lack of development, and the lack of an appetite for what's next. We have to learn to put our trust in the wonders of our heart and not the challenge of pursuing. Unfailing success begins with believing. Believing in your heart when others say it is impossible. Never let anyone steal you belief. Never let anyone dictate your pursuing. Never let anyone water down your version. There is only one you, leave your mark, which would allow other to follow.


Friday, June 6, 2014

A thankful heart.

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy Friday Dolls,

I am elated and blessed to experience life today. Not everyone has made it to the morning, you should make this day one that brings on appreciation. In what seems to be ordinary and usual, could be taken away within seconds. Appreciate what life has to offer you on today, and be thankful for whats to come on tomorrow. Let the blessing of life surpass all sacrifices and shortcomings. For everything you should give thanks, every great deed, every breath, every morning, every night, Give thanks, give thanks, and give thanks some more. Thankfulness should be is a prominent theme in your life. Thankfulness should be a way of life for us, naturally flowing from our hearts, actions and mouths. Spend some time today giving thanks, you never know whose listening, and say your welcome.


Thursday, June 5, 2014

What a thoughtful mind!

Hey Dolls,

What's on your mind? What is it that allows it to be on your mind?  We all have heard of the phrase  "A mind is a terrible thing to waste" but how often do we see people who has lost their minds. Or, maybe wasting their minds on substance, alcohol, lack of exercising it by reading, writing, learning something challenging or different. Do not allow your mind to be full or conformed of the cares of the world. Be mindful that your mind can become suffocated with thoughts that does not promote adequate growth and development, we should strive to renew our minds daily. Set our minds on something that makes us a better person academically, physically, mentally, spiritually, or emotionally. The purpose of a mind is to allow us to think of something that is non-physical ; to align the heart to ignite the body to fulfill purpose. We should all desire to replace thoughts into actions to serve a purpose. Lets not be found empty minded, but full of drapes of purposeful memories.


Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Lesson Learned

Hey Dolls,

We all have been children at some point. Listening to adults teach us a lesson was not always a great feeling. Sometimes we rebelled and suffered the consequences. I'm sure at this age listening to others offer their advice on whats best for you, still may be a difficult task. Today, lets reach out to a younger girl and offer a lesson, which we have already conquered. Remember, it may not be an easy task so operate in love and patience. Those who wander from the truth, often comes back, when they do encourage them to teach others.  Have an open mind about the process while you try to teach, learning is taking place simultaneously, because we are learning a lesson as well. What a noble task!


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

What does rebound means to you?

Happy Tuesday Dolls,

What does the word rebound means to you?  Do you mind if I add some influence on the way you see the word rebound. According to dictionary. com, rebound means to spring back from a force of impact. Today, I want you to help me rebound some young girls hearts. A heart that may have been through trauma, rejection, abandonment, fear, or bitterness, or unforgiveness. You may not know the entire story, but speak to a broken heart and offer it healing. Did you know a broken heart get great pleasure from words of encouragement?  Edifying the hearts heals old wounds. Offer the heart peace, encourage the girl to not allow her heart to remain troubled or bound. Offer the heart grace, for grace is needed, to be made perfect in a time of weakness. Offer a emotional bandage to bind up all sorrow, grief, bruises and wounds.  Who knows, believing in this exercise may heal your heart.