Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Giving Back

Good Day Dolls,

I am so overwhelmed with starting back to work, again excuse my absent post on yesterday. I am excited to share that PURE AND SURE INC. proudly represented purity awareness in the Jump-Start Back to School Parade on Saturday, August 23, 2014. This parade was in the heart of Chicago's Englewood neighborhood. I was exited to be apart of this experience since there has been so much violence. We all came together for one common goal, celebrating education. This was just one way PURE AND SURE INC.  joined hands with others for the better good. If you can find out what is going on in your neighborhood and get involved. Sorry, I only have one picture to share but tomorrow I promise to have more.


Friday, August 22, 2014


Merry Friday Dolls,

Yes, It is Friday and we are in the weekend. I am headed for yet another professional development (job related) and I am ready for it to be over before I even get there. I was at professional developments all day yesterday, so please forgive my absent post. Here is your weekend assignment. Ask 5 people to describe your character. Sometimes we can give off a perception of ourselves that's far from what we imagine. Although, this is strictly opinionated, but the point of the assignment is to bring awareness to what you may or may not be giving off. You always want to be caught friendly and approachable. This way you are easy to get get along with and this makes people want to be around you rather tolerate you. I know you may say " who cares". The truth of the matter is you never want to put in a position where it hinders you from being recommended and/or blessed. There is so much encouragement in having a good attitude, it comforts people with love, affection, and sympathy. I am sure we all are justified in how we act sometimes, but if its negative it comes with no peace, love and grace. All of which the world needs more of. Let's take a stand against the hatred and evilness, and it start with you. Yes, you. Just think... you taking a stand encourages another and a another and soon it would produce a world who pours into the hearts of others. I love each and everyone of you. Keep pushing and I hope you learn more about yourself this weekend.


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Hump Day

Happy Hump Day Dolls,

Yes, we are headed toward the end of the work/school week. Kudos's to those schools who are already in session and wish you well to those who will start within the next two weeks. Let's just take today and kid around a bit. Everything doesn't have to be so serious. Let your body dance and bring on a joyful heart. So instead of humping as work lets HUMP and do the Humpty Dance. There is a time to weep, a time to laugh, and a time to dance, and that's exactly what I plan on doing. Google or You tube, Digital Underground, song: The Humpty Dance and have some fun today. Loosen up, laugh, giggle, and dance around. I love this song and I hope you will too. Here is a bit of what you will hear:
                  The Humpty Dance is your chance to do the hump
                  Do the Humpty Hump, come on and do the Humpty Hump
                  Do the Humpty Hump, just watch me do the Humpty Hump
                  Do ya know what I'm doin', doin' the Humpty Hump
                  Do the Humpty Hump, do the Humpty Hump


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Becoming Tangible

Happy Tangible Tuesday Dolls,

Today, I want to remind each of you to become tangible. I know we have very busy lives and spends countless hours at work, school, or both. We must get to a place where we count others moments more significant than ours. There are blessings in being thoughtful, selflessness, and sympathetic. Lets not allow the cares of our world hinder us from shaping a young persons world. If one member of the family suffers, all members suffer, and if one member is uplifted, all member's are uplifted. Wouldn't you rather be uplifted than suffer? Children need to experience more than words, but real tangible moments of you being present with them. Its so easy for us to send a cute text or make a phone call,  those are far less special than a real hug. If you know you can reach out and touch a young persons life and make an impact, I challenge you today to become a tangible person. They need someone to lean on (physically), cry with, laugh with, share with, and vent with. What we don't want to do it reject them to a place where they are seeking attention from the wrong person. Lets just do better. I pledge this day to make myself accountable and responsible for the youth in my family, I pledge to become a real tangible heart, ear, shoulder, and arm that they can expect to be there for anything. Take the pledge with me...this save lives.


Monday, August 18, 2014

Their Version

Hey Dolls,

Are you a parent? I know we have been raised in different household by different parents. Two things for sure is a parent or guardian was present in the house and we (as the child) was present in the house. If we reflect on our childhood experiences, we may not agree with all the decisions made, some decisions that were made had nothing to do with the benefit of us (the child), and some decisions that were made was not the best for us (the child). Just because we are the adults does not mean we are perfect and know everything. Sometimes all children need is LOVE and ATTENTION. Lets not wait until they are at a breaking point, feeling rejected and left alone. Lets pour into our children even more, even when you think your doing your best do more and some more. It is our role as a parent to train up a child in the way she/he should go; and when she/he is older she/he will not depart from it. We should not bully or provoke our children because this causes them to become discouraged and rebellious. Either way isn't a healthy result. We should bring them into discipline, which we lead by example. Actually, have a conversation with them, I'm sure their "version" of you as a parent is far from yours. Lets not waste another moment thinking we know how they feel (the children) and ask them what they need and what they desire for you to be as the parents.  Let their household experience be healthy and functional so when disfunction is being presented they recognize it and make sound decisions. What kind of parent are you?


Friday, August 15, 2014

I Love Me

Happy Fierce Friday Dolls,

All work no play for me these days. I am back at work and actually headed out for a professional development now. I just want to wish all of you a safe and joyful weekend. Remember don't be afraid to journey yourself to reshape or fine tune a better you. When your at your best, is when your light shines before others, so that they may see your good works and look into bettering themselves.  I am sure like me, with this journey you are learning some pretty interesting things about yourself. Why stop now? Continue to learn yourself. Don't give up on you. You have to keep moving forward, you were not created to stay in the same place. Life is all about moving forward. Go to a mirror, look in it, and speak to your destiny, and tell yourself you are beautiful and wonderfully made, no longer will I give up on me, because I am worth it! Now look in the mirror and say it like you really mean it. Peace out dolls, man I love all of you!


Thursday, August 14, 2014

Endure the Storm

Happy Thunderous Thursday Dolls,

Are you afraid of thunder and lightning? Every since I can remember I have never liked a storm or any sign of a storm coming. Today, I have learned to embrace the weather, prepare for the harsh weather and take precaution to prevent damage. When we hear the alarm or the news broadcast the alert, suddenly everyone's attention is on the storm. This is the same thing we need to do in life. Recognize the storm and take cover. Be mindful that there are three kinds of storms, storms we bring on ourselves, storms that GOD causes, and storms that other people cause.  Storms bring on a certain realization of truth. We know exactly what is in control at that moment. We should expect different seasons in our lives that allows us to experience heat, high winds, chill, and storms. Make sure your are adhering to your storm and not using all your preparations fighting a storm meant for someone else. Whatever your storm is, you can speak to it and cause it to bring peace. Perhaps during storms, you are made stronger and wiser. Ever notice on television or just by experience right after a terrible storm, the sun shines brighter and there is a peace that sets on the earth. Wait for you peace, its coming if you endure the storm.


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

I call you friend

Hey Dolls,

I am so blessed to know the true meaning of a friendship. To have the opportunity to experience the hands and hearts of other women who loves you unconditionally. Do you have friends? Those who know the real me knows I am such a girly girl. If I could I would have a women's event everyday just to spend time with my friends. The best part of having girl friends is that I can truly be myself  around them without judgement and I can embrace them as well. I love the fact that my friends take our relationship as honorable as I do. It is an honor to have such good friends. Even though I have only a few women I call friend, they have really big hearts and gives me everything I need. Greater love has no one than this, that friends would lay down their life down for you. For if one of us fall, one will lift the other one up. We break bread, laugh, cry, love and pray for one another. Life gets know better than this.


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Wellness Check

Happy Terrific Tuesday Dolls,

Today,  I am going to keep it rather quick. I want to do a quick wellness check. How are you feeling? Is there anything that's making you feel overwhelmed? If so, this is not healthy, you need to take much better care of yourself. Be mindful simple things can cause stress and stress is certainly overwhelming. Take a moment today to renew your mind. The mind needs to rest and be restored and filled with the possibilities of moving forward. If you find yourself stressed over things you can't control over, wash your hands clean and believe it will get better. If you find yourself stressed over things you can control, than shame on you. Get up and make it happen, don't wait for others to believe in you, as long as you believe than run until you finish the race. It doesn't matter if other runners pass you, all that matters is that you are still running toward the finish line. I speak to your endurance right now that it would with stand the wind, aches and pains, and the lack of support. Keep running, if you need to stop for water, get a cup or bottle, drink, and get back in the race. Your portion is greatness, your portion is fulfillment, your portion has already been destined to WIN the race. From me to you, it gives me great honor to award you with the winning trophy in advance. I believe in you...keep running. Remember, the race is not given to the swift, but the ones who can remain steadfast and endure.


Monday, August 11, 2014

Plans for purpose

Happy Monday Dolls,

I hope you all had a wonderful time this past weekend. What did you enjoy the most this weekend? Answer this, did what you enjoyed line up with your purpose? It's all about purpose, time waits for no one, so make sure you manage your time wisely. If what you enjoy doing, doesn't makes you feel worthy and smile in the inside you may want to recap and revisit your purpose. For there are plans for your life, these plans were determined before you was even a seed in your mothers womb. Rest assure the plans are to move you forward in life and not for evil, it is to give you a prosperous future and hope. What are your plans for the future? Make sure you are fulfilled in your purpose, for it shapes your destiny.


Friday, August 8, 2014

Shopping Tips!!

Happy Fashionable Friday Beautiful Dolls,

What you rocking today? Have you thought about what fashion trends you going to explode this weekend? I know it is back to school season and I wanted to do some shopping tips.
Tip 1: Make sure you are seen with some sort of pattern pieces on. How about rocking some floral, plaid, or leopard. There are so many pieces to mix and match, as long as your not rocking the same patten for the top and bottom, you are sure to make a statement.
Tip 2: Loving the lace. choose a lace shirt, skirt or dress and be simply adorable (make sure you are  covered under the lace)
Tip 3: Game changing graphic tees/tanks, these can be worn with any bottom piece.

Make sure in everything your wearing it is a modest fashion: don't show too much, keep it age appropriate and sweet. Have fun digging through stuff to make your back to school shopping one you would remember for hot finds. Good Luck!


Thursday, August 7, 2014

Being FREE

Hey Dolls,

I hope all of you are having a great time getting to know yourself. As for me, I am still trying to figure somethings about myself which would allow me to continue to grow personally. One thing is for sure is pointing the finger at everyone but myself is a dangerous zone to be in. Most people are not in the self-reflection business but more so in the blame business. I am learning the hard way that I must self-examine myself and figure out why certain things get under my skin or bother me. See, when you allow others to boil up an emotion, you give them the power over you. I am learning to take my power back and channel it into a reflection. I have been prompt to speak up and out when someone offends  me or make me feel uncomfortable. Did you know if someone offends you, your suppose to go to them at least 3 times to dissolve the situation? Even if they deny or rather not talk about it, the third time your suppose to take an witness. But wait, its not necessarily get a response from them, it's for you. Yes, you, it's to free you from feeling a certain way about them in your heart. We have to remain in a place where are hearts are free from, situations and issues. Be mindful to free your heart, because its what keeps you free, and allows you to free others. Who will you set free today?


Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Compassionate heart

Hi Pretty Dolls,

Have you ever had a conversation with a person and when it was over you felt a bit lighter or a bit of motivation to keep moving forward? This is what life is all about YOU being able to overcome to help someone else overcome. Can you imagine, everyone motivating each other? We would be living in a much peaceful world and people would be much peaceful for that matter. We would be able to embrace the compassion for one another regardless of where we are in our lives. Yes, compassion is the missing component in many of our lives. OK, I get it, we have selective compassion. No, we are all called to have compassion for everyone we come in contact with. Some may need a little more or a little less that others, but compassion is to be given. We should be walking compassion human beings and wear it as we wear clothes. Put on your compassionate heart, kindness skirt, humility jacket, meekness shirt, and patience shoes. My, my, my, it looks good on you. Give it to everyone, and accept it from others. Consider it a gift. The more you give, the more you receive. I am one who wants my cup to overflow with compassionate.


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Healthy Tuesday

Hey Dolls,

Its so good to be typing today without any sutures!!!! YES they are all out and my wrist is on its way to a speedy recovery. I was sitting outside my doctors office passing time before my appointment, and I saw so many people of all ages go through the doors with illnesses. All I could do was thank GOD for my health. Situations could be better, money could be better, but health is at the center of it all. Take some time today to be thankful for your health.  So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all in purpose of taking care of your body. Your body is a temple. Within your health all things are possible, if you believe. Never doubt you are blessed and the best is yet to come. Continue to love yourself first and appreciate you for being you. Be encouraged today, stay focus on pushing forward.


Monday, August 4, 2014

A daddy's love

Happy Monday Marvelous Dolls,

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, I hope it was all that and some. Today's post is a follow-up to the Traveling Times post on July 30, 2014. If you haven't had a chance to read it go back and take a moment to read it. For those of you who have read it, how are you doing with your journey of loving yourself? Is it difficult with learning who you are? For me, its going well, although I am building a relationship with myself, I learned I am a bit of a "daddy's girl" I really desire to have my dad apart of my life. Growing up with a dad who would what I like to call going on "disappearing acts", really effected me as a young girl and had a lot to do with me not loving myself. I figured if my dad didn't love me, then I shouldn't love myself either. There would be moments where I would cry and look out the window and wonder was he coming to get me for the weekend as he promised. Although those moments grew into days and sometimes weeks. Wondering what I did for him to not want to spend time with me. Only growing up to realize if I wanted to have a father-daughter relationship I would have to seek it without giving up. That's exactly what I did, and to my surprise this weekend I went to the show with my dad for the very first time. If you could have seen my face, smiling as wide as the sky. I was the proudest girl in the world going with my day. And to top it all he called and asked if I wanted to go with him. It was at that moment, my eyes started to fill with tears. I think those tears was there all along, but I learned how to suppress them with thoughts of " I don"t care". All I can say was thank you GOD for giving me the strength to continue to put my feelings aside and learn how to forgive and continue to seek after my father. I prayed without ceasing for a healthy relationship. This weekend confirmed GOD is working on my behalf and have not forgotten about my request. For those who are desiring a relationship or a stronger relationship with their dad, I want to encourage you to love him through his thoughts and actions that seems as if he doesn't love you or care. I am living proof if you seek the desire in your heart to never give up, it will manifest and come forth. Even when your hurt, love him, when you are angry, love him, when you want to give up, love him, and when you feel let down, abandoned, and rejected, LOVE HIM. If you have a great relationship with your dad, encourage a young girl who doesn't. I wish all my daughters strength to not give up on your daddy dreams. At the end, finding my way through this journey of loving myself, stemmed from me desiring the love from my dad, and when I LOVED HIM it was like loving myself, because at the end he is learning to give me the love I always desired. We are on our way to a healthy relationship, here's to my dad Tallano....GOD I love him so much, dint fully understand him, but love him. Be strong girls, it get better.


Friday, August 1, 2014

Great memories

Happy Friday Wonderful Dolls,

We are headed toward a new weekend. What do you have planned? For me, I am going to continue to enjoy good times with my husband and close family and friends. Did you know good times offer great memories. Its when moments of our life is at a turning point, when think of great memories. Great memories can help heal a situation or sometimes remember a special person. Be mindful of the trails and pathways that lead you to good memories. Don't except a distorted truth, but embrace the whole memory and live in that moment. Don't allow bad memories to have a place in your heart because it leads to bitterness. Don't consider what bad memories lies behind you, and push to imagine what new memories that lies ahead of you, for it offers purpose. I wish you all nothing but great memories for this weekend. Remember to take many pictures for they add depth to great memories.