Wednesday, June 29, 2016


Happy Wednesday Dolls,

Just a quick reminder. Remind someone to not look at others like they are beneath them. Remind yourself to find a way to not look down on people but, find a reason to look up to them. Lessons are often learned from unfamiliar and unusual people and places. Everyone deserves a fair and unbias first look. Don't be so quick to remind people of their faults and failures. Friendly reminder, people would rather live their lives without the approval of others narrow minds. Be reminded that most people needs to be reminded rather informed. Refresh your minds as you remember to remind yourself while you remain in a relationship.


Monday, June 20, 2016

Self verses Selfie

Happy Social Media Monday Dolls,

First let me say this... Um taking a selfie doesn't equal confidence. Actually the images doesn't even reflect your true thoughts, emotions and mood. Many of you are hiding behind a selfie pretending to be something that your not. Sadly to say, After a while, you start to believe the hype yourself, not really knowing yourself. Because you spend so much time trying to convince others far from the truth you deny you. Denying yourself to live life through the truth...without the truth you will never be able to walk in freedom.  Which is why so many people are bound. Bound in their emotions, thoughts and thinking. Don't deny who you really are. I'm curious who are you trying to impress with faulty crooked smiles. Live your truth and don't deny it for anyone. Embrace the true you... It's ok to not be trendy but being you is being you, except it. The sooner the better you can began to right the wrongs, deal with the self rejection, and transform from all the masks and customs. The sooner you can rejoin broken relationships and deal with the fabric who you really are. The sooner you can build yourself up and break boundaries you have developed to keep people from knowing the truth. Ever wonder why those who have identified the real you and encouraged you, you have always found a way to move them out of your life.  Is posting really worth denying yourself. hmmm. Take it all off and love you, enjoy you, and allow others to know the real you.


Wednesday, June 15, 2016


Just Me.

Today marks a day that I embrace a getting wiser and more accountable. It reminds me that life isn't promised and should only be taken by storm. It helps me to prepare for the storm through my trails and shortcomings. No other than GOD has carried me through. For GOD get the glory, constantly reminding myself it’s not all from my prayers and worship but grace. I’m so thankful for real friends more so than family. Some family members feel as if they can do whatever because you will still consider them family. Friends appreciate and respect the will to remain friends and often listen to their time invested rather than kinship. I can surly feel the love of GOD today.. I am blessed. There is nothing you can gossip about me, no matter how much you try discredit my accomplishments, no matter how much you try to dismantle my worth, EVERYTHING UNDER THE BLOOD OF JESUS WILL SUBMIT. Case close... I may be weary but not broken, because the GOD I serve protects me. You may not get it, because you are so focused on the blessings that you miss the heart. I am covered....Thank you GOD for blessing me with yet another year to be a better wife, friend, daughter, mother, sister, aunt, teacher, worshiper, and me.....Happy Birthday to me...


Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Me More

One of those days Dolls,

Yes, it's  one of those days and the day isn't nearly over. Sometimes I wonder if people even have compassion for others. Note to you all...make sure your doing whats best for you. There is no other way to impede on your progression is getting too wrapped up in others. Be sure to watch out for those who cause division and create you best to avoid them. For they don't mean you well. Watch their appetites for foolishness and their cunning demeanor. Be wise to who may be taking advantage of you and be wise to what is good, noble, and innocent verses evil. Yep, one of those days. 


Thursday, June 9, 2016

Mission Control

Happy Thursday Obsession Thrust Dolls,

Just ask yourself, Why? Why are you doing it? What's your mission for the obsession? I pray it doesn't have hidden motives. I pray it's purely from your heart, to reach the heart of others. One thing to know, whatever is in the heart your mouth and behavior speaks. This is the hour for to be transparent with yourself... Why is the most important question? If it's not to bless others than the obsession will be incomplete and denied. Two things for sure, 1-until you get it, you would always be without, 2- being without should demand and develop you to get it. I pray your obsession isn't selfish. There are those who are around you to pour into you and you rather your flesh is fed. Three things for certain, 1- receiving from others is evidence of a deficiency.  2- deficiency is a clear symptom of not receiving enough 3- not receiving enough causes you walk about living an incomplete life, offering incomplete, and being ok with being incomplete. I'm sorry, why are you refusing to receive? I pray the obsession is a case that was dismissed for a lack of proven evidence. A true deficit is a lost and selfish obsession. Find your mission today! Mission or obsession? No obsession is good for you. 


Wednesday, June 1, 2016

You and I

Morning Dolls,

Today's post will be short but profound. True friendship is one that will see the potential and push you to greatness. For one iron will sharpen the other. True friendship is one that will force you into seeing the best in yourself. Therefore encourage one another and build one another up. Never once do you have to give up who and what you were born to do to be accepted into a friendship. Don't be deceived, bad company will ruin the good morality of a friendship. Two is always better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil, For if one fall, one will lift. When one is up against the rope, one will withstand and hold them up so that the rope tear or break. Make a commitment to a friend to consider to cover them in love and good works, not neglecting to meet together and spend quality time. True friendship doesn't wait until your down to step right over you. It is an honor to be a friend...Loyalty lies within the protection. It is an honor to have a friend, protection lies within the loyalty.