Friday, February 27, 2015

Relationships of Covenant or Convenient

Happy Friday Dolls,

Have you ever noticed that authentic relationships take much effort and work? I'm talking about family and friend relationships. The key is to not focus on the right relationship, it is all about being the right person. There is a certain measure of shared commitment that must take place. While we are busy searching and being searched, each party must take the initiative in affirming the strength of the relationship without giving up. At no point we shouldn't be available to offer love regardless of inconvenience. Which brings me to the question: Would you rather have a covenant or convenient relationship. Ask yourself if you promise to pray, respect openness, risk honesty, encourage sensitivity, motivate reconciliation, and embrace love the relationship would continue to evolve.  On the other hand too many of us have found ourselves in a commitment of convenience. We stay in a relationship as long as it is safe, and doesn't involve risk, rejection, or criticism. Instead of standing in the face of challenge , we check out and resist.  Instead we find reasons or justifications to point the finger. The best and only way is to show yourself friendly to receive a friend.  I am sure with family and familiar cliques it may be hard to distinguish in the beginning the difference between a convenient or convenient, as long as your motives are pure, you will recover. Keep in mind with building family and friends relationship's there will be dark places and full of faulty habits of rejection and unforgiveness, as long as you don't allow these things to strip the fabric of the relationship it will mend in time. If the relationship is built on love, respect one that wholeheartedly matters, you continue to release love. This weekend I hope you rest in finding true relationships that fosters a since of humility and keeps your heart with all vigilance, from it will flow springs of life.


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Influenced into a new life

Happy Tuesday Dolls.

I cannot even imagine life without those certain ones who has influenced me throughout my life. I am not sure where I would be today, if it wasn't for those who have taken time out for my well being. Although I have always had a handful of friends, lets face it friends make life much easier and a lot more fun. With a combination of those who gave of themselves and the GOD that I serve, the life I was given wasn't so bad after all. It kind of warms my heart to think back and acknowledge mentally how far I have come. Every moment wasn't perfect but I still give thanks for being kept. I choose to embrace life and not deny my circumstances but to be thankful for them. For they are the reason I'm able to identify the real from a false mistake. For they are the reason I'm able to choose better choices in my life. For they are the reason I'm able to see a relationship that has the potential to evolve over time. For they are the reason, I have decided to slow life down and seek peace rather than convenience and comfort. For they are the reason I choose to open up and let the light in and live my life for CHRIST. I will continue to chase after my purpose for being created. My prayer today is that each of you will find the love of GOD, it is invisible, cannot be seen or measured, yet it is powerful enough to transform you in any moment. In any moment you can be wrapped up in a blanket of unconditional love. There is no such thing as a cold shoulder, this love will burn out the pain, disappointments, and grief, this love will change ordinary opportunities into blessings, this love will be present even when you don't love yourself. Make a choice today, right where you are, the beauty in this love is that you are accepted as you are. If you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart, that GOD was raised from the dead, you will be saved. This membership never expires....Welcome to your new life.....


Friday, February 20, 2015

Good thoughts

Happy Friday Dolls,

So often we go through life allowing people to place false character traits on us. Our portion in life is to not live as a prisoner, but to walk in a manner worthy with all humility, gentleness, patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of peace. Anything contrary is not productive and worthy to be taking up time or memory. It all starts in the mind, the mind will eat anything its being feed. Why not feed it nutrients to support the rest of the body. Open your mind with good thoughts and patch up defeat, make a conscience effort to seal up perishing thoughts and replace them with growing pains, throw away thoughts of hate and pick up love, pitch thoughts of lack and embrace abundance. Have a good weekend!


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Cast the first stone.

Happy Hopeful Tuesday Dolls,

Are you quick to throw the first stone? Be mindful not to be so quick to cast the first stone without knowing the circumstances. Don't be so quick to blame, criticize, judge, or punish others for being themselves. No one is perfect and we all a work in progress. The key is to progress through the process, which means ongoing procedures that's not predictable.  Process is a continuous action, operation, or series of changes taking place or working. The moment we think we don't need to embrace change is the moment too late. Don't be the first to attack a sinner if your not willing to be on the receiving end. We are only in the position to point out others sin if we have overcame that very sin and willing to encourage and devote yourself ourselves to pray them through. Do not deprive one another, perhaps by limiting them from going through the proper change.  This is cited as a reminder to avoid judging others when these are faults in your own life that need to be addressed. Offer grace to the extinct you would want to receive.  This is not just for you, this serves as a reminder for me as well.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Love Challenge Day 3

Happy Friday Dolls,

Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous: love doesn't brag and is not arrogant.  The green mean machine. Although green is a very flattering color, its not meant to be worn as an emotion. Keep in mind there are all shades of green. Its not healthy to be in any form or green towards people. Its OK to allow people to inspire you, but when you start to allow others blessings  to become a topic or conversation in a negative way. This my friend is jealousy. If you allow others blessings to bring up insecurities in your own life this too is another form of jealousy. Today, I want you to be consequence of that ill feeling that you get when you come in contact with that certain person.  Don't form resentment for them, on the other hand act in giving a complement. Perhaps you may want to focus on working on yourself, rather than what others are doing and/or achieving. Lets make today a day of reinventing yourself. Pay close attention to what your trying to achieve. Let me challenge your heart a step further and ask you to set aside your pride, and maybe ask that person who causes your eyes to turn green, for some assistance. Keep in mind this task isn't for them but for you. The best way to deal with jealously is to deal with it head on. Don't allow jealousy to become a form of addiction because the only way with dealing with any addiction is admiting you have one. Jealously is often coupled with feeling frustrated within yourself for wasted opportunities. Admit to your unwise decisions and stumbling blocks and grow and learn from them. Look green dead in the face and say I have jealously towards this person because of their accomplishment, which confirms the inadequacy in my life. The reality is there will always be someone who is better or further than you. Embrace it, accept it Love on that person, I'm sure they can use it.


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Love Challenge Day 2

Hey Dolls,

 Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous: love doesn't brag and is not arrogant.  Today, I want you to focus on operating in kindness. Act in random kindness. Sometimes we can get caught up in familiar kindness and only be kind to those who are kind to us. It is important to work at being kind to all you are in contact with. It may be a bit more challenging to be kind to those who misuse your kindness for weakness. Let GOD deal with them, do not seek revenge or mirroring what is being given to you. Be kind to yourself today. Do something rewarding for yourself today, After all most people are only going to treat you how you treat yourself. If you desire to be treated with kindness, work hard at being kind to yourself. Did you know love is contagious. The moment you take a stand to offer love in kindness is the moment everyone else is forced to evaluate their kindness. Either they will be honest within and decide to join in the movement or try to tear it down. You can't force either way, just love'em.


Monday, February 9, 2015

Love Challenge Day 1

Happy Monday Dolls,

In the spirits if LOVE, what a wonderful way to began our week. Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous: love doesn't brag and is not arrogant.  Today, I want you to focus on operating in patience. I'm sure there are countless times you can remember someone offering you a cup of patience. Now is the time to reciprocate and drink from their cups. Give of yourself today in patience. This means to melt into situations, without complaining. Not allowing anyone or their situations to irritate or annoy you to a point you are rushing their process, actions or thoughts. Instead lend a hand or a hug, wait, wait, and wait some more. Patience offers more happiness to your career, family, and relationships. The more you operate in patience the more you have patience for yourself...which allows your processes, actions, or thoughts to be completed without frustration. So today, if you find yourself getting worked up, speak to yourself and say " you can tolerate this". At the end of the day I'm sure someone has tolerated your flaws and inadequacies.


Friday, February 6, 2015

Just Change

Good Day Dolls,

What a wonderful day to change. Although, it may seem impossible you have to continue to force things through. Giving up isn't an option, as least be able to live with the thought of not accepting things the way they are. If there are things in your life that are not productive, this alone should serve as a catalyst to build upon change. If your life is so uncomfortable, use that emotion to fuel what needs to be changed. Ever noticed that everything in life has to grow through a life cycle to mature or enter an adult phase. With this analogy in mind think of the things that needs to change and undergo a life cycle. Consider things as a seed or bud, and allow it to mature and develop. Hmm, what happens when things are prematurely delivered, plucked, or exposed? It has to be cared for even longer and it has to be handled with care. There are many people walking around with seedlings of thoughts, but it is rare to find a fully developed career, business, family, or passions. Never allow anyone or anything to disrupt your process. You must be found working towards your change and walking humbly with change in your heart. You have to consider this as a left alone journey. While left along you can see the great vision when there is no strength, you will feel the warmth of endurance when there is no appearance, and you will fill the radiance of boldness when fear is heavy. Change starts in the mind, which changes the thoughts, which changes the processes, which changes the behaviors, which changes the productions. It starts with you. DON'T allow an unchanging environment become your reality. Change your company, change your speech, change your attitude to change your destiny. If you surround yourself with justice, love, kindness it will produce a humbling spirit that welcomes change. Ask yourself, which phase are you in?


Monday, February 2, 2015

Are you qualified?

Happy Monday Dolls

Do you know the 2 most impactful components of a resume? What about the 2 components that are mostly fabricated or made up on a resume? If what came to mind was education and experience, you are correct. Hmm...what would make people lie on a is the lack of! I want you to take a moment to reflect on what career path you are about to start, start over, or even thinking about. The question is what jobs have you worked to make you not only qualified but high qualified to be success in that career? What education have you recieved gives you insight on that career. I surly would hope your not planning on gainning experience while on the job. This my friend will only lead to frustration and soon to be a dead end. Words from the wise: we should not trust ourselves only to form a judgement on how well we can or how well we are doing.  The best way to evaluate yourself is to answer these following questions (note these are only a few questions to get you started): Were you able to successfully work for a similar company to the one you are desiring to have a career in? Did you get promoted? How well were you able to take constructive criticism and feedback? Were you able to work well with a team or other workers to complete task? How well can you problem solve without giving up? Becoming fans of those who are successful in what we desire to do builds humility that says I accept the noble task. Therefore an overseer of anything must be reproachable, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, and not a lover of money. So the next time you are thinking about becoming someones boss or leader, ask yourself..What jobs have I held and/or what education have I received to make me effectively qualified? This is only if you want to be successful, right..