Friday, July 29, 2016

Acts of Infringement

Happy Friday Dolls,

Why are people so upset by others holding them accountable for their title. How are you going to call yourself something and when people hold you to it, you get upset? Holding a title of any position, come with the expectations of people looking for you to live up to whatever that title maybe. You cant hide behind the " I'm not perfect" or "Don't put your trust in man" Excuse me, when you agreed to the title you agree to do the work and job. We have to do better with what we are willing to except about our titles. The truth is we must come out of hiding. No one can be hidden from the truth of their title. Your behaviors, responses, attitude, and character should reflect your title. You can't choose when you want to held accountable, or when it is convenient for you. Whatever your title is....behave as such. Allow your behavior to justify your title.


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