Friday, February 6, 2015

Just Change

Good Day Dolls,

What a wonderful day to change. Although, it may seem impossible you have to continue to force things through. Giving up isn't an option, as least be able to live with the thought of not accepting things the way they are. If there are things in your life that are not productive, this alone should serve as a catalyst to build upon change. If your life is so uncomfortable, use that emotion to fuel what needs to be changed. Ever noticed that everything in life has to grow through a life cycle to mature or enter an adult phase. With this analogy in mind think of the things that needs to change and undergo a life cycle. Consider things as a seed or bud, and allow it to mature and develop. Hmm, what happens when things are prematurely delivered, plucked, or exposed? It has to be cared for even longer and it has to be handled with care. There are many people walking around with seedlings of thoughts, but it is rare to find a fully developed career, business, family, or passions. Never allow anyone or anything to disrupt your process. You must be found working towards your change and walking humbly with change in your heart. You have to consider this as a left alone journey. While left along you can see the great vision when there is no strength, you will feel the warmth of endurance when there is no appearance, and you will fill the radiance of boldness when fear is heavy. Change starts in the mind, which changes the thoughts, which changes the processes, which changes the behaviors, which changes the productions. It starts with you. DON'T allow an unchanging environment become your reality. Change your company, change your speech, change your attitude to change your destiny. If you surround yourself with justice, love, kindness it will produce a humbling spirit that welcomes change. Ask yourself, which phase are you in?


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