Monday, April 13, 2015


Happy Waterproof Monday Dolls,

When you think of something being waterproof what comes to mind? Maybe something that keeps water out, maybe a covering, or maybe something that is used as a repellent? Waterproof is exactly how we must choose to handle words, thoughts, emotions, and behavior that comes against the greatness for our lives. We must choose to not allow those things to attack us, we must choose to not give it any energy, we must choose to ignore all and put on our water/foolery/envy/hatred/malice/ coats on and keep moving forward. I have learned over the past years, people would kick you when your down and secretly kick you even the more when you are up. It is something about observing someone wear the sleeve of perseverance, it can either motivate others to inventory their own life or cause them to become envious and began to try and strip you of your confidence. Only fools have no interest in understanding you and who you are called to be, they would rather express their own opinions. This is why we don't seek approval of man but of GOD. Stay in the will of GOD and all who plays a role in trying to bring on destruction will be brought to shame.


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