Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Open Heart Surgery

Happy Heartful Tuesday Dolls,

Today, is all about the matters of the heart. Did you know the average size of an adult heart is typically the size of a fist: 5 inches long and 2.5 inches wide. Hmmmmm, really, so one would think
that since this is the mass of muscle that keeps you alive, you wouldn't over work it with careless things. This is the day where you cast all your cares to GOD. I'm not saying pick and choose which ones you want to handle, or those you want to confront face to face, and not even those where you feel you need to do it for closure.  For hand them all over to GOD. Or, find end up with your back up against the wall and the weight stacked of 10 feet tall. Allow the anchor of your hope to handle them. Trade in the troubles of relationships and issues of the heart for some peace. Release and let it go, show those issues of the heart who's really in control. Don't allow your fear to be greater than your faith. Faith that moves all stains from the heart, Faith that gives life to every situation, Faith that offers grace when it is needed the most, Faith that builds endurance, and Faith that develops  a warrior. Within your faith gives you a new spirit and a new heart. Congrats to your newness. Don't walk in it, become it.


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