Monday, September 8, 2014

Bless Them

Happy Monday Dolls,

What a wonderful day to be excited about living. Today, I want to encourage you all to bless someone. I found out this weekend, the only way to be blessed with an abundance it to lend to the poor or the misfortune. We often spend so much time thinking about ourselves and what we need that we never take a moment to give back. Also, lets not be fooled to believe we can only give back when it is convenient , or have some extra money. We are called to give back when times are hard or money is short. This is the fast road to being blessed. I want to encourage you all to find someone and bless them. Don't second guess it,  just bless. I am sure someone has blessed you a time or two, so take someone else into account than yourself. If you truly understand, you wouldn't judge anyone according to their success. FYI, there is nothing you would want or need if you have the heart to bless others.


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