Monday, September 1, 2014

Promotions of Learning

Happy Red, Blue, and White Day Dolls,

I am so happy to be posting after a week of work, work, work, and more work. I worked seven days straight. Yes, my principal made the school available for all teachers to prepare for the beginning of the school year. I am proud to have worked so hard to make sure my room is one that is inviting and promotes every facet of learning. Even if you are not in school, there are countless opportunities to continue to learn outside of the traditional school setting. Be wise in your hearing to increase learning, and when you obtain understanding you can offer guidance. Being intelligent isn't always knowing all the answers, its having a heart that acquires knowledge, and an ear that listens for wisdom. Ask yourself. What does your heart acquires and ear listens to? This can be the very things that causes you to stumble and lead you to destruction. Don't be fooled to think you have it all together because your behavior will mimic a boastfulness character that is very unattractive. On the other hand, accept reproofing so that your path can offer joy, promotion, love, and success. All of which is already yours if you believe and stand on that very promise. Make sure you thoughts are not provoking which may lead others astray. Thoughts of humility offers compassion and empathy for which the world deserves more of. We have to do better and choose which side of the street we will reside on, Promotion or Provoke.


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