Monday, December 1, 2014

Moving Forward Monday

Hey Beautiful Dolls,

I hope and pray each of you had a wonderful and gobble gobble til you wobble wobble Thanksgiving! I had an awesome time visiting with my family. I noticed with each household there were different customs and styles of celebrating Thanksgiving. The one commonality was food, food, and more food. No matter how you give thanks as longs as you give thanks. I am so thankful for my life, a wonderful and supportive husband who loves me to pieces, a mother's love, great friends who I call sisters, and family. In the mist of my family going trough a transition and trying to blend and accept one another for who they are, it is still my family and I wouldn't trade them for the world. Take some time today and reflect on your Thanksgiving. I know life could be better, but the one thing you have control over is YOU. Take some steps to contributing to solving the problems in your family rather than creating bigger problems by complaining. Love those in spite of their judgments toward you, lend a hand even if its to slap you, hug even if you know there will be a knife waiting to cut you. ALL of this is possible and can be done in the right spirit if you allow GOD to give you the grace and mercy to endure all things. Esteem someone higher than you, it will surely break the back of being envy toward all. Rejoice with them even when they are trying to rub foolishness in your face. FYI: this allows you to develop and move forward and rep all that GOD has for you. Be thankful for you. Be thankful for your story for its offer steadfast love that endures forever. Move forward and give thanks in all circumstances! It gets better.


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