Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Rock on...

Happy Tuesday Dolls,

I am so excited to be posting this morning. Although I have been in a bit of a funk this past week I'm trying to rock myself out of it. I am not sure what caused the emotion to rise. I spoke with a couple of my close friends and all I kept hearing was how I was so blessed, not that I disagree, its just I wanted some guidance on how to eliminate the emotion. Which reminds me, not everyone will understand how or what your really experiencing. I started to except this funky, yucky, ugh feeling. Its real: feeling like you have to do more, its real: feeling as if what your moving toward isn't moving fast enough, its real: to get impatient, its real: to feel frustrated, its real: to feel like no one else gets it, its real: to feel like giving up. BUT it's not real is to stay in these emotions and allow them to overtake you. You must fight to not allow the circumstance to dictate your end result. This situation is bigger than you, its bigger than the problem itself. Its the very thing that builds character and determination, the very thing that eliminates the unproductive habits that kills destruction and distractions, its what connects with your purpose and allows you to walk with with a heart of victory. With every beat brings you closer to your peace. In GOD that is in you, that you may find your peace. The peace of GOD surpasses are human understanding. Remember,  life will happen, everything may not go according to how we always desire for it to happen. Whatever your emotion is for that moment..feel it...acknowledge it..deal with it! Trust the path of hope for it offers rocks to hold you up when you need to lean, it offers rocks to throw to get the enemies off your back, and rocks are offered because they tell your story without saying a word.


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