Wednesday, June 24, 2015

I rather have a call...or visit

Happy Wednesday Dolls,

I am so ashamed to have been gone for such a long time without posting. Please don't charge it to my heart rather have a bit of grace for one of the hardest working school teacher around. Yep, that's me...but I am screaming from the top of my lungs on this morning, I was able to wake up around 8ish am and not have to rush off to fix lunch, iron, and prepare for a long day of reading, math, writing, science, social science, common core state standards, dibels testing, TRC testing, NWEA testing, anchor charts, Next Generation Science Standards, and that's just what is expected, now implementing it is another level. Moreover, as you can see I was also able to wake up and have a bit of free time to share what's on my mind. Inquiring minds want to know, why the very thing that is suppose to bridge the gap and provide a sense of togetherness has been drawing wedges amongst families and I know you all are probably like whhaatt...Please hear me out first. From my understanding technology was the new "40s" for families and friends to communicate when time wouldn't allow them to physically spend time together (right). So what happened to families and friends who are not long distance and have the ability to be spend physical time together or able to pick up the phone and dial? Exactly! Think about how many text's you may received rather than a phone call or visit. Lets be real, the only two things that allows relationships to flourish is communication and spending physical time together. We must not allow this digital world strip us of creating memorable moments spent with family and enjoying those "its good to hear your voice" " I am so glad you called" or "you hang up, naw you hang up" conversations. Yes, I do understand if cities/states, money and/or time doesn't permit the visit or call. However, we as physical creatures must make a physical conscience effort to make a physical visit or a physical call. Lets be real for a moment, it takes less time and effort to press digits than texting a message. You know you can't hide behind a text message for long. So when you want to send a text, try calling so that they can hear your voice. I don't know how many times I have been apart of or witness people fighting over an assumed tone of a text message. Hearing the persons voice allows real dialogue that speaks for itself. Your able to hear the persons tone and delivery and respond. With this,  allows the moments of truth to be shared, damage to be dismantled, communication lines to be open, and bonds to mend. Being on the phone kind of forces a person to listen and hear and be slow to speak, which diffuses the anger. I don't know about you all but I would rather hear a warm voice over reading cold black letters any day. Join me for the next two weeks to avoid quarrels, be gentle, and show courtesy toward those you "say" you love. Instead of texting, call and if you can instead of a call, visit. I can promise you that these affectionate gestures will break the foolishness up, besides who can be angry, argue, judge, or don't want to be bothered with LOVE? Its an act of preserving not only your life but the lives of others.
see how that works out


I know she is not the only one feeling this honest

Wow, now this will surely start an argument or assumption...or will it?

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