Monday, June 29, 2015

Motivation Monday

Morning Dolls,

 I know many of you are familiar with the word motivation. What would you say comes to mind when you think or hear the term "motivation"? I know we all love to be motivated and encouraged from time to time, actually it feels good to have people offer some motivation, when you least expect it. While you may be smiling from ear to ear...thinking yes I love to be motivated, there is another side to the word. You becoming the motivator or the one who offers the words of motivation. Sometimes I think we forget that the same feeling we get when we are motivated is the same void of feeling others don't have the opportunity to experience by receiving motivation. What happened to us not being selfish, but walking in humility? What happened to us not doing anything through strife and/or with a hidden motive, but walking in lowliness and esteeming others higher than ourselves. It could be a pretty lonely road having to always encourage yourself. Some people never evolve and come out of their personal mind and motivate others which keeps them from having the ability to celebrate others accomplishments. Has it ever dawned on you that others may really need motivation throughout life. We all come from different backgrounds and experiences  which leads us to different journeys in life. So what may seem to come easy or "common sense" may be a struggle for others. Situations that may have been mistakes for could be teachable for others. Have you ever noticed it is so much easier for us to observe and develop and opinion on what others should be doing, but have a hard time identifying our own faults. Better options are those who receive motivation. Better options are for those who come out of their self and esteem others higher than the point they are standing. You never know your break through could be coming from you motivating others and celebrating them during a time of enduring. Oh and one quick shouldn't have control over who "you" want to motivate or celebrate. If they are...they should... 


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