Monday, June 8, 2015

Moving on...

Happy Moving On Monday,

As you began or continue this new life of being accountable and reflective, there comes a time where you have to force yourself to move on. In some situations you will need to move on and in others you may need to move on and try a different perspective and/or approach. You always want your love be genuine and let go any evil pending thoughts. I don't know how many conversations I have had with people and all they are holding on to is time, more so years. You need to allow those things and people to move on. This means moving on in your heart as well. In this season, there has been some people who I was forced to let go and move on. In the beginning it was really hard because I didn't want to face the fact that their motivates toward what I thought was a relationship wasn't as pure as it seemed. I replayed several events in my mind in hopes to find a pinch of hope. Although, some events came across very dedicated, but in the end it was the heart that manifest the truth. Boy wasn't it ugly. I have to admit the hardest thing is to realize that what you thought was holding the relationship together was the very thing that tarnished it. So, if you find yourself in a mislead relationship, take a beat to take it in. Set yourself apart from your heart and deal with the person's character, mood, and behavior. Do not overcome evil with evil, rather face it within yourself. It may not be a good idea to try and get answers because chances of people acknowledging how they may have wronged or mislead you are very slim to none. The truth is... if they are willing to reconcile then it would have to be on their terms. While they ponder about if they want to set themselves free, you must work toward freedom on your own. Acknowledge any heart damage they may have caused, reflect on how you can grow or learn from it, take ownership to all your actions leading to the dismissal. Keep in mind, that the way you responds displays your character.  While attempting this "moving on" journey it is very important to keep real family and friends around that will offer a listening ear and hold you accountable for your actions. Take it one day at a time, but MOVE ON! Pack your Uhaul truck, leaving nothing behind but memories that will shape future relationships. Escape on the thoughts of being free and allow the packages in the truck to make you stronger...You will discover you in the process.....


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