Thursday, July 23, 2015

Nike...Just Do It

Good Morning Dolls,

Is loosing that person really worth it? Is there someone in your life who you owe an apology to? Word from the wise, we are suppose to confess our sins, wrongdoings, backsliding, ill feelings, hurt and let downs to one another and hold each other accountable to pray in that area. Continue to pray and believe that it is getting better and working out. Please don't be fooled to believe you did nothing. This apology is owed to anyone who you may have caused any form of hurt, mistrust, or difficulty in their life. I get it, your intentions may not have been to hurt this person, hopefully by now you have recognized that your actions or inaction nevertheless did hurt or caused them to feel a certain way. Make no room for excuses, sure after you have owned up to your mishap, its only natural to begin making excuses and trying to justify your doing---STOP---it is not worth retracking and looking for empty and meaningless words, actions, or gestures to soften up what you really did. Apologies that do this only manipulates others to get want you want-- it is called a user...I'm sorry, I'm not calling you this but.... I get it, owning up to the wrong you have done isn't an easy task but its one that is worth setting your heart free from. We should be kind and uplifting to one never know when you are due an apology and how your heart may be feeling. Make an effort today and just apologize...their hearts are waiting.


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