Monday, May 18, 2015


Happy Breakthrough Monday Dolls,

Today is the day where you breakthrough and continue to walk in your purpose. This past week had been a very emotional and frustrating week. I felt myself becoming a bit bitter with how situations were turning out. My heart was heavy and I felt as if I was in a ring with my back up against the ropes...I was going down..for the entire count!  Sunday morning wasn't any different heavy with questions covering my heart. I walked into church and immediately, I felt the presence of GOD during worship. Of course I was in a battle within my mind and heart to receive what was being offered in the spirit realm. Suddenly, it broke all the rejection, abandonment, frustration, irritation, depression, betrayal, and deception was being lifted off my mind and all I could hear was the pastor speaking into the atmosphere and demanding the burdens to be lifted and allowing peace to be our portion. Whheeewww is all I can say! Everything I had vented to my husband about was being spoken into the atmosphere. In that very moment I had no other choice but to surrender. For the LORD tells us "if anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow. That's exactly what was going in my spirit...the battle between my will and the will GOD has choose for me. Easier said than done. I have to continue to win the battle of giving up my will. If this seems to be an issue for you, now is the time for you to go before GOD and ask for HIS will to take over yours. You must learn to be subconscious on every action and choice of words. You see both has a result of a response, one that you may be proud of and one that would bring on shame. It's, all a choice within your mind body and soul to allow GOD presence take presidence and residence in your life. Now is the time, tomorrow may be too late. Yesterday, was graced. Step into your new life, the one you was born to live, not the one the world has shaped. From the memories of what used to be said by a dear friend of mines... I got my second wind yesterday...I'm ready to fight..... Thank GOD today for whats to come. Thank you, today for allowing me to share an experience of breakthrough. I leave by asking you to join me.. For the remaining of this month will be demanding breakthrough in the mind and soul.


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