Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Taking the Labels Off

Happy Take the Labels off Tuesday,

Shopping maybe not be for everyone, some people could care less about going form aisle to aisle and rack to rack, others are obsessed and live for the clinging of hangers and smell of new clothes, and some its a force of habit, which ever way, people like to feel and tryout the fabric of an item before purchasing it. To really understand quality of clothes this is where labels and brands come into play. We must admit that some labels offers quality and some offer a generic version of the real thing, so taking all the labels off would allow you to experience the clothes and see what they have to offer through experience. Well, my suggestion would be to do the exact same in any form of a relationship. Experience the ship and decided if its a watered down or generic version of the real thing. So often we think were are getting a great deal and buy an item with the lower price, and as soon as we wear it....This weekend I was hit with some pretty heavy relationship , heart felt things. One thing I can admit about myself is that I have pretty high expectations for those who I hold close to my heart, AND I tend to take things a bit out of context. For me the experiences with the ships will exposed the quality of the relatiohshiop . Is it a good fit? Does it elaborate what it needs to and camouflage flaws. These very things has to be taken into account with relationships.  The most important part for me was to admit my wrongs and be more conscience of not allowing it to become apart of my character. So from this point on I am taking the labels off  all situations and relationships, and recognizing I only have family, no friends, just family. It has been engraved in my heart this weekend that those who are blessed to have my heart in hand deserves it, and is equally I am blessed to have their heart in hand as well. NOPE, no more friend zones these women are my sisters...from another mother. It was such a relief to learn or be reminded that I matter and what was suppose to be a misunderstanding became a mountain...Never again. Today, I take the first stand to say I will not allow misunderstandings to tear away at the fabric of my sisters and I bond. Today, I take off labels and wear them on the matters of my heart and mind. One thing is for sure, too many companions may come to ruin, but there is family who stick closer to the truth. I stand to be faithful to the wounds of my sisters, and not allow their sores to damage them, I stand to bear the burdens of my sisters, and not allow falls to shift them, I stand to pray for my sister that life is their portion. ANY relationship is worth fighting for especially when all feelings can be heard, acknowledged, and respected. Today, I speak to your heart, if their is anyone who deserves your heart, make it right, not for them but for your peace. Who would have ever thought 1996 being the beginning of joining like minded, beautiful, purposeful, good-hearted women together... a bond that may bend but not break...Its impossible for the love is too strong....Take sometime today to just reach out to family and friend and make it right... trust me it will not happen over night but its a fight to put on your gloves and run to the ring...ding ding ding!


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