Monday, May 11, 2015

Can"t be Broken

Happy Monday Dolls,

Have you ever felt lifted from the ground? Have you ever felt as if you are on top of the world? In this season in my life I feel rejuvenated by GOD! I am so excited to share and invite you all into my heart and spirit for a moment. BE CAUTIONS...VERY EMOTIONAL AND SENSITIVE BUT CARRIES THE TRAITS OF A WARRIOR. I know many people are trying to figure me out, they are trying to understand my movements, they are trying to wonder about blessing..It only frustrates them because they don't recognize who I am and who I belong to...GOD. I am finally at a peaceful place to love who I am, love my struggles and love GOD for creating me. Please don't take this as a boast it's just confident in the GOD I have choose to serve. If you can think back on all the knifes that has been placed in your back, the tongues your name has rolled off, and the chains locked on your ankles... and to know you are still here.  Regardless of those who have placed them or tried to stop you from moving have endured the patience within you move forward...I want to encourage you that no matter what you have been through you must keep pressing to move forward, you must keep the heartbeat that allows you to get out of the chains and break free and never give up. Trust me you will always be blessed even when they revile, persecute you, and plant all kinds of evil against you, you will always be blessed even when you are falsely accuse you for doing the right thing. In the unspoken words, the unseen thoughts that validates the statement: they only come after the ones who intimidate them. I leave you today with the visual of you being the one with the sling and stone, I am sure they would rather use the stones to throw in a pond, with you being the silent force that resembles tornados seen on television, with you being the salt of the earth that others rather poor over snow, with you being the light that others would rather use to look for items under a bed than on a hill. Hmmmm forgive them of their iniquities, for they don't know better. I can't be broken I was born for this....


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