Thursday, August 7, 2014

Being FREE

Hey Dolls,

I hope all of you are having a great time getting to know yourself. As for me, I am still trying to figure somethings about myself which would allow me to continue to grow personally. One thing is for sure is pointing the finger at everyone but myself is a dangerous zone to be in. Most people are not in the self-reflection business but more so in the blame business. I am learning the hard way that I must self-examine myself and figure out why certain things get under my skin or bother me. See, when you allow others to boil up an emotion, you give them the power over you. I am learning to take my power back and channel it into a reflection. I have been prompt to speak up and out when someone offends  me or make me feel uncomfortable. Did you know if someone offends you, your suppose to go to them at least 3 times to dissolve the situation? Even if they deny or rather not talk about it, the third time your suppose to take an witness. But wait, its not necessarily get a response from them, it's for you. Yes, you, it's to free you from feeling a certain way about them in your heart. We have to remain in a place where are hearts are free from, situations and issues. Be mindful to free your heart, because its what keeps you free, and allows you to free others. Who will you set free today?


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